2021 Blog Posts

Tips for a Happy and Healthy Holiday Table

By: on December 10, 2021

Hosting a holiday at home does not come without challenges, but the good news is that you can navigate the holidays beautifully and help create memories for years to come with a good plan and strategy. This is why we have created a list of things that can help you navigate the holidays with the confidence of a worry-free table.

Five Indoor Holiday Activities To Do With Your Family

By: Zoe Costa on December 07, 2021

Engaging in holiday activities can create memories that your children will remember forever! The holidays are a great reminder of what is important, and for me, that is family. With the hustle of everyday activities, we tend to rush through the day without taking the time to be present. Here are some great activities you can do from home with your family and kids.

Participate in Safe Toys and Gifts Month This Holiday Season

By: Bella Behar on November 29, 2021

December is Safe Toys and Gifts Awareness Month. During the biggest gift-giving month of the year, it is important to be cautious when buying presents for your little ones. 

Raising Stuttering Awareness

By: Nicole Gondar Hernandez on October 13, 2021

Stuttering occurs as children learn many languages and sort through how to pronounce different words. While about 75 percent of kids recover from developmental stuttering early on, some may need additional treatment as they age. Nicole Gondar Hernandez, speech-language pathologist, shares some important information to help spotlight this communication disorder.

Preparing for Flu Season

By: Vanessa Molina Santamaria on October 13, 2021

With flu season already here and our kids back in school, there are a few small steps you can take to keep everyone in your family healthy this year. Learn more about the 2021-22 flu season and how the flu vaccines are quadrivalent to protect against each of these unique strains of the virus.

National Bulling Prevention Month: How to Help Children Who Are Being Bullied

By: Jackeline Sanchez on October 13, 2021

Bullying has become a widespread public health crisis. In commemoration of October’s National Bullying Prevention Month, Dr. Jackeline Sanchez wanted to discuss the importance of this issue and how parents and other adults can help a child being bullied, either in person or virtually.

Helping Your Children Deal with Grief

By: Vanessa Molina Santamaria on September 22, 2021

There are many factors involved in how your children process loss, such as how close they were to the person who passed away, their age and maturity level, and their support system. However, it's important to let your child know what to expect, so they are prepared for what is to come. Vanessa tells her story about how she helped her daughters through a difficult time. 

Back to School: Routines for a Good Experience

By: Becky Salgado on September 01, 2021

If you’re like most families, you are in the swing of back-to-school. Though they sometimes fight it, our kids thrive on structure. So it’s time to wake up early and refresh our routines for this new school year. Follow these tips to ease back into a routine with your child so that they have a great school year.

Keeping Your Child’s Vision in FOCUS This School Year and Beyond

By: Luxme Hariharan, MD, MPH on August 18, 2021

August is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month. That means that it is the perfect time to have your child’s eyes and vision checked so they can be ready to start the new school year. Studies have shown that better vision leads to improved academic performance in children. Parents need to remember that they have the best chance of detecting vision problems and taking action by getting their children’s vision checked. Learn more about the guidelines for yearly vision screenings and the vision problems to look out for in your children.


Back-to-School Jitters

By: Rose Alvarez-Salvat, PhD on August 13, 2021

Every new school year brings both excitement and jitters for most children. Many children completed school virtually this past year and found themselves in the comfort of their homes with their families, while others who attended hybrid or in-person schooling may be excited to return to the classroom. No matter what your child’s recent school experience has been, he or she may be experiencing anxiety about the year ahead. Here are some tips to help your child with the transition back to school. 

#GiveMe5 and Kohl’s Cares Deliver Help to the Community as Food Insecurity Rises During Summer

By: Leyanee Perez, RDN/LDN on June 08, 2021

We want to help our patient families increase their intake of fruits and vegetables by doubling our food assistance program. It is important to consume five servings of fruit and vegetables every day to receive the necessary vitamins and minerals. Eating more fruits and vegetables can help prevent some types of cancers and chronic illnesses. Here are ten tips to help you eat more fruits and vegetables this summer.

From Nursing to Family Dinners

By: Claryza Pujol, MS, CCC-SLP on June 02, 2021

They say that the kitchen is the heart of every home, but when you are a new parent, the kitchen may feel like just the opposite. While It may be hard now to imagine the day when your little ones will be able to plan and prepare their own meals and sit at the table conversing about their lives, that day is coming and sooner than you think! The truth is, the “simple act of eating” is not very simple after all. Whether your child is neuro-typical or neuro-atypical, establishing a healthy feeding relationship offers so many beautiful moments and challenges at the same time.

Mental Health Awareness Month: One Mother’s Journey with Postpartum Depression

By: Rachelle Haime on June 01, 2021

My personal experience with maternal mental illness was with postpartum depression (PPD) – a condition I describe as being like a slow-moving fog of darkness that sneaks up on you until it completely consumes you. PPD symptoms vary from person to person, so that also makes recognizing it very complicated when it happens to you. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to PPD.

New Guidelines Related to Infant Peanut Exposure

By: Amy S. Feldman, MD on May 10, 2021

If you or a loved one is living with a peanut allergy, then you know that it’s a condition that always needs to be taken seriously. For many years, allergy experts felt that the best way to prevent peanut allergies and their dangerous symptoms was to delay the age when children were first exposed to peanuts. However, more recent research has led to considerable changes to this advice.

Helping Children and Adolescents Manage their Anxiety

By: Rose Alvarez-Salvat, PhD on May 07, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic brought forth feelings of stress, sadness, worry and anxiety. Anxiety, in particular, has increased in the past year among children and adolescents due to changes in routine, schooling, social connections, time spent with extended family and future plans. The first step in helping your child manage his or her anxiety is knowing what types of situations may trigger those anxious feelings.

What You Need To Know About Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

By: Carrie Firestone Baum, MD, MPH on April 15, 2021

If you have a child in your life that suffers from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), then you know that it can sometimes be a challenging diagnosis. I see a lot of patients with IBS at my office, and their concerns range from persistent stomach pain to diarrhea, constipation or upset stomach. Since April is IBS month, this felt like an appropriate time to discuss some of the common issues related to the condition. First off, if your child has IBS, he or she is definitely not alone.

Talking With Your Teen About Social Media Filters

By: Meredith Kallaher on April 12, 2021

When I see my children on social media, I realize that they have no baseline of "normalcy" like I did at age 15. They are looking at screens so much that there is a chance they are seeing more people with altered images than they are seeing people "in their natural state" on a daily basis.

3 Weight Loss Myths: Facts vs. Fiction

By: Leyanee Perez, RDN/LDN on April 08, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has hindered weight loss plans for many, and triggered weight gain for others. Thanks to fitness and calorie counting apps, influencers’ success stories, and a multitude of diet products in the market, it can be very confusing to differentiate between fact and fiction – leaving you feeling frustrated and ready to give up. Read on for some of the most common myths built around weight loss diets.

Fatigue? Fitful Sleep? Could My Child Have Sleep Apnea?

By: Sandeep Davé, MD on March 17, 2021

Most people think of obstructive sleep apnea as a condition that impacts adults. Although obstructive sleep apnea is less common in children, it is still a risk that parents should be aware of. Between 1 and 5 percent of children are affected by it, and that it may be underdiagnosed. Dr. Sandeep P. Davé, pediatric otolaryngologist, compiled a list of sleep apnea warning signs for parents to be on the lookout for.

Nutrition and Kids: The Impact of the Pandemic

By: Vanessa Molina Santamaria on March 12, 2021

Families have spent more time at home this past year to help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. As a result, parents and children have fallen out of their normal routines. So, what can you do to keep your kids healthy?

Get to Know Your Healthy Eating Style

By: Leyanee Perez, RDN/LDN on February 25, 2021

Healthy eating can look very different for everyone in your family. Each age group requires unique nutritional needs that should be met through the foods and drinks you consume. “Just like you can’t burn calories in your fifties as you did in your twenties, children can’t eat like adults.” Learning what healthy eating looks like at each stage of life is key for a long healthy life.

It's American Heart Month: Step Toward a Heart-Healthy Future with Your Child

By: Leyanee Perez, RDN/LDN on February 17, 2021

Heart disease associated with lifestyle factors has been increasing among children and teens in recent years, generally associated with the rise in childhood obesity. By modeling and reinforcing healthy habits, parents can lead the way toward a heart-healthy future for their children.

Five Ways a Speech-Language Pathologist Can Help Your Child

By: Cindy Herdé on February 16, 2021

Speech-language pathologists (aka speech therapists or SLPs) study human communication, its development, and associated disorders. This ranges from how we use our muscles for talking to how our neurological systems mature and work. In short, we can help with more than just speaking or talking. Many parents are surprised when they learn of all the areas in which we can help their children.

Five ways to help your children maintain a healthy lifestyle

By: Ginevra Janus on January 19, 2021

What does a healthy lifestyle mean for your children? A healthy lifestyle can encompass a variety of things such as nutrition, exercise, mindfulness, spirituality, cultural diversity and more. Researchers often look at studies showing risk of premature death or disease and what increases that risk. It is important we instill healthy lifestyle habits in our children at a young age. The following are five ways to help your children maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Single Parenting During the Pandemic: Facing and Overcoming Challenges

By: Adita Lang on January 11, 2021

Parenting is hard enough. Now, let's combine being a single parent and a pandemic, and you’ll have more gray hairs on a daily basis. Granted, I have had my moments where a time-out, for me, is imperative. However, the blessings have surpassed the challenges.

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