About the Bloggers > Rose Alvarez-Salvat, PhD

About Rose Alvarez-Salvat, PhD


Dr. Rose Alvarez-Salvat is a child and adolescent psychologist within the Department of Psychology at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital with a specialty in pediatric psychology, trained to work with children facing chronic medical conditions.

In addition, Dr. Alvarez-Salvat serves as director of training for the hospital’s Psychology Doctoral Internship Program. Dr. Alvarez-Salvat specializes in training and development, consultation-liaison services, pediatric health conditions, assessment, adjustment disorders, medication adherence, autism, developmental delays and learning disorders. She is a member of the American Psychological Association and Society for Pediatric Psychology.

Dr. Alvarez-Salvat has presented at national conferences and published various articles on topics related to child and adolescent psychology.

Recent Blog Posts

Back-to-School Jitters

Every new school year brings both excitement and jitters for most children. Many children completed school virtually this past year and found themselves in the comfort of their homes with their families, while others who attended hybrid or in-person schooling may be excited to return to the classroom. No matter what your child’s recent school experience has been, he or she may be experiencing anxiety about the year ahead. Here are some tips to help your child with the transition back to school. 

Helping Children and Adolescents Manage their Anxiety

The COVID-19 pandemic brought forth feelings of stress, sadness, worry and anxiety. Anxiety, in particular, has increased in the past year among children and adolescents due to changes in routine, schooling, social connections, time spent with extended family and future plans. The first step in helping your child manage his or her anxiety is knowing what types of situations may trigger those anxious feelings.

So Your Kids Are Heading Back to School… Now What?

For months, we have learned new ways to protect ourselves and our children from COVID-19. We have learned guidelines for novel ways of socializing, we have worn our masks, compulsively cleaned our hands (and some of us – our groceries), stayed home, and learned how to complete our work virtually – all while taking on a new role as teachers to our children.