Arte en nuestro campus

La colección de arte de Nicklaus Children's desempeña un papel importante en la creación de un entorno estimulante y curativo para nuestros pacientes, familias y personal. Una variedad de obras de arte, como esculturas y pinturas, llenan de deleite visual el campus del hospital y el West Kendall Center. 


    Donated by Santiago Medina, MD, 2017
    Located at APCP Plaza

  • Carlos J. Arboleya, Jr.

    Donated by Carlos Arboleya Family
    Located at APCP Plaza
    In honor of: Carlos J. Arboleya, Jr.

  • Obelisk

    Donated by Variety Children's Hospital, 1956
    Located at Devonshire Entrance
    In honor of: Four Hospital Founders

  • The Healer's Touch

    Donated by Daisy Foundation
    Located at Green Garage ACB Entrance
    In honor of: Recognizing and honoring extraordinary compassionate care

  • Mary Ann Knight

    Donated by Knight Foundation
    Located at Devonshire Entrance
    In honor of: Mary Ann Knight, a great lady who loved and cared for children.

  • Ambassador Walters' Fountain

    Donated by Miami Children’s Hospital Foundation
    Located at Serenity Garden
    In honor of: Ambassador David M. Walters

  • Lindsay Marie Lewis

    Donated by a Loving Family, 2015
    Located at Serenity Garden
    In honor of: Lindsay Marie Lewis

  • Grace

    Donated by a Loving Family
    Located at Outside of Dr. Burke’s office

  • Inspiring Hope and Healing Mural

    Donated by Steven and Robyn McKean, Lebo, 2022
    Located at APCP Plaza
    In honor of: NCH employees

  • Emilia Standing Tall

    Donated by Ronco Ortiz, 2015
    Located at West Kendall Center

  • Untitled Steel Sculpture

    Donated by John Safer, 2017
    Located at APCP Plaza

  • Dr. Arthur Weiland

    Donated by Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, 2024
    Located at Outside the hospital’s Central Building lobby
    In honor of: Dr. Arthur Weiland, a founding leader of the hospital