Videos de ejercicios de rehabilitación

Primeras palabras: hitos y señales de alerta

Bienvenidos nuevamente a “For Peds Sake”, el podcast de charlas sobre atención médica pediátrica. Hoy tenemos una invitada muy especial con nosotros. La Dra. Keysla Lee, patóloga del habla y del lenguaje en Nicklaus Children's Hospital, quien ahondará en los hitos de la comunicación en niños de entre 13 y 18 meses.

Tummy Time Exercise

Tummy time is time your child spends on his/her tummy while awake and supervised. Tummy time is essential to help strengthen baby's head, neck and upper body muscles. Vanessa Strauss, a Physical Therapist at Nicklaus Children's Hospital's Rehabilitation Department, explains Tummy Time. This tutorial video will teach you the proper technique and pacing of this exercise, so you can have your child do it at home as recommended in your child's treatment plan.

Crab Walk Exercise (Physical Therapy)

The Crab Walk is a full-body strengthening movement that also works on coordination and mobility. Vanessa Strauss, a Physical Therapist at Nicklaus Children's Hospital's Rehabilitation Department, explains the Crab Walk.

Baby Grasping Skills Exercises

The Grasping Skills Exercise is fine motor activities that strengthen your baby’s hands, sharpen their eye-hand as well as bilateral hand coordination skills. Each child develops differently at his/her own rate. This video will serve as a guide. If you have questions or concerns, please contact your child’s occupational therapist. Ivonne Arias-Doppelhammer, an Occupational Therapist at Nicklaus Children's Hospital's Rehabilitation Department, explains the Grasping Skills Exercise. This tutorial video will teach you the proper technique and pacing of this exercise, so you can do it with your child as recommended in your child's treatment plan.

Hamstring Stretch Exercise

Vanessa Strauss, a Physical Therapist at Nicklaus Children's Hospital's Rehabilitation Department, explains the Hamstring Stretch Exercise. This tutorial video will teach you the proper technique and pacing of this exercise, so you can have your child do it at home as recommended in your child's treatment plan.

Dressing Skills for Children (Occupational Therapy)

Ivonne Arias-Doppelhammer, an Occupational Therapist at Nicklaus Children Hospital's Rehabilitation Department, explains how to teach dressing skills to a child, so you can do it at home as recommended in your child's treatment plan.
Each child develops differently at his/her own rate. This video will serve as a guide. If you have questions or concerns, please contact your child’s occupational therapist.

Why do special needs patients need multidisciplinary care? - Dr. Monica Payares-Lizano explains

As one of the largest and most comprehensive pediatric orthopedic practice in Florida, the Nicklaus Chidren's Orthopedic Surgery Program specializes in the care and management of musculo-skeletal conditions in children.