Sobre los autores > Maria Parra, MS, RD, LDN

About Maria Parra, MS, RD, LDN


Maria is the registered Dietitian for the Nicklaus Children's Sports Health Center. Maria has a Master of Science in Dietetics and Nutrition and a Bachelor of Science in Biology. Maria is well-versed on medical nutrition therapies and outpatient nutrition counseling.

In 2018, she worked in a NFL Combine Program and in IMG academy with recreational and high-level athletes. Maria is currently providing state-of-the-art nutrition to children and adolescents athletes seeking to improve performance and/or overall health.

She is also providing individualized nutrition counseling on fee-based services to the general public and athletes with focus on weight management, performance optimization, injury recovery, eating disorders, among others. She enjoys racing half-marathons and sprint triathlons.

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