Sobre los autores > Claryza Pujol MS, CCC-SLP

About Claryza Pujol MS, CCC-SLP


Claryza Pujol MS, CCC-SLP is a speech language pathologist, feeding and swallowing specialist who has been positively impacting the lives of families since 2002. She is a neonatal therapist in Nicklaus Children’s Hospital’s intensive care units, including the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Cardiac Intensive Care Unit and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. She is passionate about her work in the acute-care setting and credits her speech pathology degree in the medical speech pathology track for her commitment to working within the hospital setting. She is inspired daily by her work with patients and families to help children achieve results

Claryza maintains her footing in the outpatient setting, having served as an adjunct professor for Florida International University speech language pathology master’s program as well as a current professorship at Carlos Albizu University. She is a member of the Craniofacial Center and the Newborn Clinic at Nicklaus Children's hospital, and is a respected member of the medical team. She has been invited to serve as a guest speaker at nursing symposiums, and the Florida Cleft Lip and Palate Association. She also serves as trainer and mentor for her colleagues in the field of speech pathology through the cross center feeding and swallowing team which encompasses eight outpatient centers within the Nicklaus Children’s Health System.

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