Infectious Diseases News and Resources

The latest news and information regarding infectious diseases.

Shingles While Nursing an Infant

By: Jenise Subervi

Over the summer, I was diagnosed with shingles.  Whenever someone has found out that I had shingles, they have been surprised. “I thought only the elderly got that,” is usually the response. It turns out, you can develop shingles at any age, but you’ll only get it if you have had chicken pox (varicella).
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Are We Experiencing the ‘Tripledemic’ Here in South Florida?

Medical professionals are raising alarms about what is being called a “tripledemic,” an occurrence in which outbreaks of three distinct viruses—flu, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and COVID-19—are causing widespread illness. Although in South Florida is not encountering the same large numbers of affected patients as other regions, Dr. Joanna Perdomo, MD, MPH, FAAPinforms parents what they should be on the lookout for.

The Risks of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) to Infants

Many people have never heard of the virus known as cytomegalovirus (CMV), even though more than 60 percent of people have it without knowing it. That’s because the virus rarely causes symptoms. One area of concern related to CMV, however, is in pregnant women and their newborn infants. CMV is the most common infectious cause of birth defects in the United States.

The Historic Importance of Immunizations

Vaccines have certainly been in the news more than is typical lately, thanks to their important role in preventing the spread of COVID-19. But this is only the most recent example of the importance of vaccines. People have used vaccines, also known as immunizations, for centuries to stop the spread of illnesses.

Kids Flu Center: Prevention and Care Tips for the 2021-2022 Flu Season

Visit our flu page for helpful tips on preventing the spread of the flu virus and view our symptoms checker. Remember, antivirals are more effective if started within the first 48 hours - seek medical care at the sign of symptoms. For your convenience, our pediatric urgent care centers are available in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach county. 

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

We understand that news related to the international spread of COVID-19 has raised concerns in our community. As part of our commitment to the region’s children and families, Nicklaus Children’s Hospital is in daily contact with local, state and federal agencies to monitor the situation, and is prepared to evaluate and care for patients with COVID-19 or suspected COVID-19.  

Zika Virus and Pregnancy: Transmission, Outcomes, and Precautions

Cases of Zika Virus have been confirmed in the U.S. Learn about Zika Virus transmission and Zika Virus pregnancy precautions from Nicklaus Children's Hospital.

Zika Virus Facts, Symptoms and Prevention Tips

The Zika virus spreads through infected mosquitoes and can cause severe birth defects. Learn about Zika virus symptoms and prevention at Nicklaus Children's.

Mosquito-borne Diseases and Mosquito Prevention

Mosquito bites can be harmful in several ways. The most common complication of these bites occur in the form of allergic reactions of the bite site and infections related to scratching. However, mosquito bites can also result in the transmission of life threatening conditions such as encephalitis, and birth defects such as microcephaly.

What to Know About Ebola

Ebola is a rare and deadly disease caused by infection with one of the Ebola virus strains.

Enterovirus Awareness and Planning

What Parents Need to Know About Enterovirus D68

Florida Residents Urged to Get Vaccinated Against Measles

It's important all Floridians make sure they have received the measles vaccination because those who are fully immunized have very little risk of developing the disease.