Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): Frequently Updated

Nicklaus Children’s continues to follow guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

We are currently not requiring mask wearing at Nicklaus Children’s facilities, although this may change if there is an increase in COVID-19 infections in our community. If there is a change at a facility, signs will be posted to promote mask wearing.

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This page was last updated on: 2/28/2025 5:26:08 PM

COVID-19 Vaccines for Kids

The COVID-19 vaccine is available for adults and children through a variety of sources in our community. The link below can help you find locations near you. In addition, pharmacy chains, including CVS, Publix and Walgreens, also offer the vaccine. Please check the website of the pharmacy of your choice for more information.

Click here for a link to the Miami-Dade County COVID-19 Vaccine Locator

COVID-19 Testing (Children without Symptoms)

Our emergency department and urgent care centers provide COVID-19 testing for children with associated symptoms as part of a complete medical evaluation.

Due to very high volumes in local emergency rooms and urgent care centers, associated with the pandemic, we encourage families of children who do not have symptoms of illness to visit a local COVID-19 testing center. These centers offer appointments and can often provide test results within 24 to 48 hours.

Click here for a link to the Miami-Dade County COVID-19 Testing Site Finder

COVID-19 Testing (Children with Symptoms)

Nicklaus Children's Hospital's Emergency Department and Urgent Care Centers provide testing for children who are displaying symptoms of COVID-19 such as:

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

COVID-19 Test Results

Parents can access the child's medical records and covid test results online by visiting MyKids Patient Portal. For information about MyKids and instructions on how to register, please visit

Telehealth services may be available for certain appointments depending on the nature of the condition, or reason for the visit. Please contact us for more information by calling 1-888-624-2778 or submitting an online appointment request.

Visitor Policies and Protocols

Visitor Policies and Protocols

We continue to use protocols recommended by the Centers for Disease Control regarding the novel COVID-19 virus. Our priority, as always, is the health and safety of all our patients and visitors. Due to the current higher-than-usual rate of respiratory infections in our community, please note we are reinforcing changes to our visitor policy in all our care settings. We ask patient families to adhere to the following practices to ensure the safety of the children in our care.

Safety Protocols for All Visits

  • All parents/guardians accompanying children must be free of signs and symptoms of infectious disease, including cough, runny nose, rash, vomiting and fever. Please notify the medical provider caring for your child if you or anyone else in the home has a fever, cough, rash, shortness of breath, or any other sign of respiratory infection.
  • We encourage all visitors to wash or sanitize hands frequently.

For Inpatient Visits

  • Each hospitalized patient may have up to four caregivers/visitors (including siblings) at one time. Visitors are limited to the same four people per 24-hour period. Siblings are only allowed if there are no other alternatives for their care. Babies who are breastfeeding are an exception. Siblings must remain in the patient room.
  • In COVID-19 care areas, only one adult visitor is permitted in a 24-hour period. The visitor must stay in the room at all times. If required to leave, the visitor must be accompanied from the facility by a healthcare worker.
  • Any family member remaining alone in a room with a patient must be age 18 or older.

For Emergency Room, Urgent Care, Physician Offices, Radiology, Diagnostic Services, Rehabilitation and Dental Services

  • A maximum of two caregivers/visitors (including siblings) can accompany a patient who has an appointment at any of our clinics/centers, medical offices, or who visits the Emergency Department or one of our Urgent Care Centers or other above-listed services.
  • Please do not bring additional family members or friends to these visits (especially children under 12 years old).

For Ambulatory Surgery Visits

  • Only one visitor can accompany the patient. No one under the age of 18 is permitted.

How to decide if you should be tested or seek care

How to decide if you should be tested or seek care

Provided by the CDC:
Not everyone needs to be tested for COVID-19. Here is some information that might help you make decisions about seeking medical care or testing.

  • Most people have mild illness and are able to recover at home without medical care. They may not need to be tested.
  • There is no treatment specifically approved for people who have COVID-19.
  • If you think you may be sick, stay home and consult with your healthcare provider on the need for testing.

CDC has guidance for who should be tested, but decisions about testing are at the discretion of state and local health departments and/or individual clinicians.

  • Clinicians should work with their state and local health departments to coordinate testing through public health laboratories, or work with clinical or commercial laboratories.