To celebrate 75 years in service, each day we are sharing stories from patients, employees, volunteers, and our community. Check out today's story and share your own!
Story #16: Suzie's Lifetime of Giving VIEW STORY >
Nicklaus Children’s Hospital saved my mother Martha's life, during her battle with polio as a child. Her experience led her to become an ICU nurse as well as loving parent.
Nicklaus Children’s Hospital has been a central part of my family for generations, with my grandmother, mother, aunt, cousin Tiffany, and I all continuing the legacy as nurses at the hospital formerly known as Miami Children’s.
Loubna, who led the Learning & Development Services Department at Nicklaus Children's Hospital for over 17 years, expresses deep gratitude to Dr. Andrea Maggioni, who saved her daughter's life during a critical appendectomy.
After nearly 19 years as a nurse at Nicklaus Children's Hospital, Carla had a surreal transition from caregiver to parent when her son Zach was born prematurely at 28 weeks and spent three months in the NICU.
I've worked the midnight shifts for years, but after retiring I realizing I missed Nicklaus Children's intensely. So I decided to volunteer twice weekly in two departments -- I know that I am deeply appreciated by the patients, families and staff.
Transporting patients is critical to our mission, and we do it with passion because we've been patients before too.
Carolina loves working with families from all over the world and ensuring they have successful health outcomes when they get home.
As an IT Project Manager, Sandra takes pride in contributing to the well-being of children in the community while also grateful for the exceptional care her own children have received at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital.
At 14, Kimberly was diagnosed with scoliosis at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, where treatment began with a back brace to halt the progression of her spinal curvature. After a successful spinal fusion surgery, she become a dedicated hospital volunteer, grateful for the care she received.