You will need a special team of loved ones and specialists to guide you through the process of wearing the TAYLOR SPATIAL FRAME device.
Since your orthopaedic surgeon has chosen you as a candidate for limb restoration, you should know that your surgeon already has confidence in your potential for success. Knowing and utilizing your core team will help you set realistic goals so you will know what to expect at the end of the process.
Be sure to write down the names and telephone numbers of your core team to have on hand at any time that you need them during your journey with the TAYLOR SPATIAL FRAME device.

You are the most crucial team member because your active participation is valuable to the success of the limb correction process. You will be required to assist with external fixator adjustments, as instructed. Without your dedicated commitment and important feedback along the way, other team members cannot operate as effectively in their roles.
Significant Other
It is important that a parent, sibling, spouse or close friend – someone dedicated to your well-being – be involved in the process from beginning to end. They need to understand the procedure and what to expect as well as you do. They also need to participate in the planning process.
Orthopaedic Surgeon
Unlike some areas of medicine, limb correction requires that your surgeon be involved in every phase of the process. He or she makes the initial evaluation, performs the operation to apply the TAYLOR SPATIAL FRAME device, plans your recovery goal and closely follows your progress. The surgeon may have an orthopaedic resident, nurse or physician's assistant specifically trained to help with the surgery, and frame construction and modification.
Orthopaedic Clinic Nursing Staff
Your clinic nurse will coordinate the work of the entire team through each phase of your treatment. Your nurse is often the first person to answer questions, listen to concerns and advise you about problems as they arise.
Physical Therapist
Your physical or occupational therapist will conduct a preoperative assessment of your movement ability and will work with you throughout the process to help you stay as active and independent as possible.
Home Care Discharge Planner
A home care discharge planner will be available before and after surgery to talk about your concerns. They can also help you solve logistical problems such as transportation, temporary housing and rental of medical equipment such as wheelchairs and/or crutches.
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