2023 For Peds Sake! Pediatric Podcasts

Pediatric Mental Health Matters

on December 27, 2023

In today's episode, we discuss pediatric mental health. We are joined by Dr. Sara Rivero-Conil, clinical psychologist at Nicklaus Children's, to discuss anxiety, depression and ways to support our children and teens who may be struggling. Listen to this Podcast

Cómo manejar la Diabetes Infantil: El Rol del Psicólogo

on December 05, 2023

Hoy hablaremos de la diabetes, enfermedad que aqueja a una población cada vez más amplia de niños y adolescentes en el mundo. Nuestra invitada es la Dra. Rose Alvarez-Salvat, psicóloga, experta en diabetes y miembro del equipo multidisciplinario que atiende a estos niños. Listen to this Podcast

Sleep Training Methods with Dr. Lauren Chiriboga

on November 21, 2023

In today's episode, we discuss sleep training - the latest hot topic for parents. We are joined by Dr. Lauren Chiriboga, pediatrician at Nicklaus Children's, to get into specifics about sleep training and the different ways parents can teach their child how to fall asleep independently. Listen to this Podcast

¿Cuál es la Relación Entre la Obesidad Infantil y el Cancer?

on November 16, 2023

La relación que existe entre la obesidad infantil y el cáncer a medida que nuestros niños crecen el cáncer en la adultez. Pero antes que todo, quiero darle algunos datos para que pongan en contexto toda esta información que le vamos a dar hoy. Y en primer lugar, viene de la organización mundial de la salud donde indica que más de 41 millones de niños por debajo de los cinco años sufren de sobrepeso u obesidad. Listen to this Podcast

Michael's Story with Surviving Pediatric Cancer

on November 07, 2023

In today's podcast we have two very special guests, Michael and Ashlee Cramer! These two have not only faced childhood cancer head-on, but have dedicated themselves to raising awareness about pediatric cancer. They also have their own podcast, "Michael and Mom Talk Cancer." Listen to this Podcast

Welcome to the For Peds Sake Medical Podcast!

on October 30, 2023

Welcome to the For Peds Sake Podcast, your gateway to the fascinating world of pediatric health care. I'm your host, Dr. Chad Perlyn, a pediatric plastic surgeon and father of two boys. And I'm thrilled to introduce you to our latest project. Here at For Peds Sake, we're dedicated to bringing you the latest insights, medical breakthroughs, and heartwarming patient stories that illuminate the world of pediatric medicine. Whether you're a parent, a caregiver, or just curious about the world of children's healthcare, this podcast is for you. Listen to this Podcast

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