Chaplain and All Faiths Chapel

Our chaplains provide pastoral care and spiritual guidance to patients families as well as staff.

The All Faiths Chapel offers daily Roman Catholic Mass and is available for the observance of diverse interfaith religious holidays throughout the year.

small chapel with altar, stained glass windows and pews.
small chapel with altar, stained glass windows and pews.

Chaplain's Services

Our chaplains provide pastoral care services to patients, families and staff and assist them spiritually when they face difficult medical conditions.

Some of the services that our chaplains provide include:

  • Spiritual support through prayer, guidance and ongoing bereavement care to patients and families
  • Serve as a resource by supporting patients, families and staff in their faith traditions and contacting their faith leaders
  • Provide the Sacraments and meet other spiritual needs of patients and families
  • Daily prayers for all patients and their families.

All Faiths Chapel

Please visit our Chapel and find diverse spiritual literature.

We celebrate a daily Roman Catholic Mass at 12:30 p.m., every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Sunday Mass is held at 3:30 pm.  An Ecumenical (all-faiths) service is held on Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m. 

Spiritual programming available on channel 52 of the GetWell Network, including a live stream of Roman Catholic Mass and Ecumenical (all-faiths) Service on Channel 52. 

Visiting Our Chaplain

Patients, families and staff are welcome to stop by any time to talk with the chaplain. The chaplain's office is located on the first floor across from the All Faiths Chapel. You may contact our chaplains by calling extension 4404 (786-624-4404), or extension 4472 (786-624-4472), you may ask your nurse, social worker, or operator to contact them.

A chaplain is available in the hospital weekdays from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.; however, an on-call chaplain is always available for emergencies by pager or through the operator. The chapel is located on the first floor along the hallway west of the cafeteria, and is available for people of all faiths to use for personal prayer and meditation. The chapel is also accessible for observance of diverse interfaith religious holidays throughout the year, as well as for specific patient or staff related services. The chaplain's office is located directly across from the chapel, and a phone is available outside the office to leave messages for the chaplain.

The Nicklaus Children's Hospital chaplain is also available as a resource to hospital staff in need of pastoral services.

An interfaith chaplain is available for the spiritual and emotional needs of patients and families and visits those patients/families who have requested the chaplain upon admission or during their hospitalization. The chaplain also participates in various multidisciplinary rounds and patient care conferences, and documents all pastoral care visits. Sacraments performed at patient's/family's request and referrals made to other disciplines are documented in the patient's medical records.

The Chaplaincy Department also plans, coordinates and conducts worship services within the hospital on major religious holidays throughout the year. The chaplain leads daily healing prayer services for families and staff in the hospital chapel, administers religious rites, sacraments and celebrations in accordance with the faith and traditions of patients and families, while also serving as a liaison with community and visiting clergy.