Sobre los autores > Rachelle Haime

About Rachelle Haime


Rachelle is a Public Relations Manager turned SAHM. She was born in Miami but spent most of her life moving between Florida and Colombia finally moving back to Florida in 2017 with her husband and two kids.

Her experience with postpartum depression inspired her to become a maternal mental health advocate and she started The Plentiful Cup blog and social media accounts because no mom should feel alone or unsupported.

Rachelle shares her story in hopes that other women will feel more comfortable speaking up, asking for help, and practicing self-care to support their mental health.

She wants moms to know that taking care of themselves is just as important as taking care of their families and that they shouldn’t feel guilty about practicing self-care. We cannot fill anyone’s cup if ours is empty!

Visit website: The Plentiful Cup

Recent Blog Posts

Mes de la concientización sobre la salud mental: El proceso de una madre con depresión posparto

Mi experiencia personal con la enfermedad mental materna fue con la depresión posparto (PPD), una afección que describo como una neblina de oscuridad que se mueve lentamente y que se acerca sigilosamente hasta que nos consume por completo. Los síntomas de PPD varían de una persona a otra, por lo que también es muy complicado reconocerlos cuando le suceden a usted. Cuando se trata de PPD, no hay una solución única para todas.