Un futuro con mayor movilidad para Jabarry

Jabarry en silla de ruedas sosteniendo una pelota de fútbol sonriendo junto a la Dra. Payares.
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La jornada de Natalie con escoliosis

diciembre 17, 2024

Natalie fue diagnosticada con escoliosis de inicio temprano a los 19 meses y se sometió a años de tratamiento, que incluyeron yesos, aparatos ortopédicos y tres cirugías, bajo el cuidado del Dr. Stephen G. George. A los 12 años, después de su última cirugía para corregir su columna vertebral, completó su jornada de tratamiento de 10 años y está lista para seguir adelante.

Paciente del mes: Luciana

septiembre 02, 2024 – A pesar de haber nacido prematuramente, Luciana siempre ha sido una luchadora decidida a triunfar.

With Limb-Lengthening, Surgery Is Only the Beginning

marzo 11, 2025 – Liz, who was born with achondroplasia, had limb-lengthening surgery in January 2023 to help her gain more independence and improve her arm mobility. After months of therapy and adjustments, she reached her goal, giving her more freedom to do everyday activities without any limitations.

Optimal Care, Improved Life for Children With Spasticity

marzo 11, 2025 – Spasticity, which is often caused by brain or spinal cord injuries, is common in children with cerebral palsy and can result in muscle tightness, spasms, and problems like chronic constipation. The Nicklaus Children's Cerebral Palsy and Spasticity Program uses a team approach, offering both nonsurgical and surgical treatments to enhance the quality of life for kids, while providing personalized care and family support along the way.