Published on: 07/10/2009
MIAMI – A group of Miami Children's Hospital doctors, including M. Narendra Kini M.D., President and CEO, traveled to Cartagena de Indias, Colombia in July to take part in a pediatric conference and receive the keys to the city. Miami Children's Hospital donated 26 computers to a local children’s hospital in Cartagena, Colombia, Hospital Infantil Napoleon Franco Pareja.
“It is our sincere hope that these computers will empower the staff of Hospital Infantil and make a difference in the care of the region’s most precious resource – the children,” said Dr. Kini. An additional 140 computers were donated to the Cartagena public school system, benefitting approximately 2,300 children. Give to Colombia, Inc., a US-based non-profit organization, and Computers to Educate, a Colombian program, supported and facilitated MCH with the generous donation to the school system. The MCH physicians shared the latest medical updates on a range of topics including asthma, obesity and diabetes with more than 2,500 physicians from the region at the three-day conference, “Congreso Colombiano de Pediatría.”

Dr. Narendra Kini, President and CEO of Miami Children's Hospital, and Dr. Maria Franco, Cystic Fibrosis Center Director of Miami Children's Hospital, teach a young girl how to navigate one of the 140 computers donated to the Cartagena, Colombia school system.

(From left to right) Dr. Camilo Gutierrez, Dr. Andrea Maggioni, Dr. Mislem Bauer, Dr. Marisa Azaret, Dr. Narendra Kini, Dr. Maria Franco, Dr. Diego Botero, Dr. Alejandro Diaz, Geraldine Arellano, Dr. Gerardo Tosca. (Below) Dr. Marco Danon