Diagnostics and Treatments for Urinary Disorders

Bladder Augmentation

Bladder augmentation is a surgical procedure used to enlarge the bladder and to improve its ability to stretch.

Ureteral Surgery

Ureters are the tubes that transport urine from the kidneys to the bladder. If urine is not flowing through the ureters properly, then ureteral surgery might be needed to fix the problem.

Urinary Biofeedback

Biofeedback is a technique children are taught to identify and properly relax their urinary sphincter muscle when urinating, as well as to contract the muscle effectively to maintain normal urinary control.

Urine Study

A urine study refers to any test performed on the urine in order to check for general health or to diagnose a medical condition.

Urodynamics and Videourodynamics

Urodynamics and vIdeo-urodynamics are tests to determine the source of urinary issues.


Uroflowmetry is a diagnostic test used to measure the flow of urine during urination. It's a noninvasive test and it is generally used to see if there is an atypical pattern of urine outflow.

VCUG (Voiding Cysto UrethroGram)

A voiding cystourethrogram is an imaging test that checks the function of the bladder and urethra.

Whitaker Test

The Whitaker test is a medical test that can measure the amount of pressure present in the bladder or kidneys.