Adolescent Medicine Fellowship

The Adolescent Medicine Fellowship is a three-year program designed to promote leadership expertise in Adolescent Medicine. The fellow will gain clinical skills in diagnosis and management in both normal adolescent growth and development, and medical problems unique to this age group. Didactic courses will be a major part of the curriculum, and will be accompanied by research projects throughout the program. The goal of the fellowship is to provide physicians who are board-eligible in pediatrics, internal medicine or family medicine with in-depth training in adolescent medicine that will prepare them for a career in clinical or academic medicine.

Adolescent Medicine Fellowship Curriculum

  • On-site at the Nicklaus Children's Hospital office (7 sessions per week)
    • Outpatient and Inpatient consults (5 sessions/week)
    • Sports medicine (1 session/week)
  • Off-site clinic (1 session per week)
    FIU University Health Service
  • Administrative meetings
  • Identify a research area
  • Identify a mentor/preceptor
  • Prepare for IRB submission
  • Meet with Scholarship Oversight Committee
  • Education/research conferences
  • On-site at the Adolescent Health Center (5 sessions per week)
    • Outpatient and Inpatient consults
  • Administrative meetings
  • Participate in case/didactic sessions
  • Give one noon conference
  • Submit the proposal to the IRB if not yet done
  • Start gathering and entering data
  • Meeting with mentor/research staff/Scholarship Committee
  • Adolescent clinic (4 sessions)
  • Administrative meetings
  • Organize journal club
  • Teach seminars for medical students and residents
  • Precept house-staff with faculty back-up
  • Learn about service grants (where and how to get funding etc)
  • Give at least one noon conference and consider grand rounds
  • Required to prepare a written report of research activities
  • Complete a project and submit an article for publication
  • Meetings with mentor/research staff/Scholarship Committee
  • Present at a research meeting

How to Apply

Applications will be processed through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) at and will open in July for this application cycle (fellowship positions starting July 2018). Please submit your common MyERAS application form along with the following documents via the ERAS system:

  1. A personal statement
  2. A CV
  3. Three letters of recommendation from faculty members at your institution, including one from your program director or chair.
  4. Your USMLE scores.

Once your application is complete, we will contact you to schedule an interview.

For more information contact:
Adelynn Torres (
Coordinator, Adolescent Medicine Fellowship Program
Nicklaus Children's Hospital
3100 SW 62nd Avenue
Miami, FL 33155
Office: 786-624-2835
Fax: 305-669-6531


In accordance with the ACGME requirements, each training program is expected to form a Clinical Competency Committee (CCC). The program director appoints the CCC. The CCC must have at least three program core faculty (excluding the program director) who have the opportunity to observe and evaluate the residents. The CCC meets at least semi-annually to review and discuss each individual residents' performance data and make a consensus decision on the progress of each resident by applying assessment data to the milestones. The CCC serves as an early warning system/early identification if a resident fails to progress in the educational program and make recommendations to the program director for resident progress including promotion, remediation, and dismissal. The program director meets with each resident semi-annually to review the CCC report and design an individualized learning plan for the resident. To learn more about the CCC, click here.

Below are the faculty members who serve on the CCC committee (in addition to the Program Director) for the Adolescent Medicine Fellowship Program:

  • Rani S Gereige, M.D., MPH, FAAP
  • Gina Rieger, LCSW
  • Leslie Garrard, Psy.D.
  • Beatriz Cunill-De Sautu, MD
  • Metee Comkornruecha, MD