
Also known as: bone infection.

What is osteomyelitis?

When a bone in the body becomes infected, the condition is known as osteomyelitis. This type of infection can have severe complications but can also be treated successfully in many cases.

What causes osteomyelitis?

The staphylococcus bacteria is the primary cause of bone infections. This infection can enter the bones through an open wound, infected tissue surround the bones or via the bloodstream.

What are the symptoms of osteomyelitis?

Symptoms of osteomyelitis can include pain at the site of the infection, irritability, swelling, warmth, redness, fever and chills.

What are osteomyelitis care options?

The typical course of treatment for osteomyelitis is to administer intravenous or oral antibiotics for four to six weeks. Cases that fail to respond to antibiotics or that a chronic may require surgery.

Reviewed by: Otto M Ramos, MD

This page was last updated on: December 08, 2021 03:32 PM

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