"My name is Loubna N. and I lead the Learning & Development Services Department. I have worked at Nicklaus for over 17 years, and moved through two positions prior to leading an amazing team of talented trainers, developers and supporters of learning at Nicklaus Children's Hospital. I cannot speak enough about the compassion of our physicians, nurses and teams. Dr. Andrea Maggioni happens to be my guardian angel who saved my daughter’s life. He was there for me when I needed him the most. My daughter had to go through immediate appendectomy surgery that nearly ruptured during surgery. I called him on a Saturday with simple symptoms. He calmly asked me to go immediately to the hospital and met me there within minutes. He knew how critical the situation was and would not leave my site until he made sure my daughter made it to the OR. It took 30 minutes between our entry to Nicklaus Children’s Hospital to the pre-op room. He made sure I had the right surgeon at the right time and left when my precious daughter was safely situated in the OR. He had special plans on that day and he could have easily delegated this process to others, however, he chose to be there for us. I feel so much gratitude and compassion for such moments in life."
Loubna N.
Director, Learning & Development Services