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Nicklaus Children’s Hospital has several outpatient and urgent care centers throughout South Florida, including on-demand, virtual care.
Walk-in urgent care with no appointment needed.
Serving as your child's primary doctor's office.
Pediatric specialty consultations available closer to home.
A full range of comprehensive services all under one roof.
Connect with providers from the comfort of your own home.
With over 800 pediatric clinicians on staff, we’re dedicated to helping you connect with the right specialist for your needs.
We have expertise in treating children and educating families on hundreds of different conditions.
We use cutting-edge, specialized treatments and procedures to ensure the best care for your child.
Also known as: PT.
Physical therapy is a form of therapy that helps people rehabilitate through exercises, stretching and orthopedics in order to regain the mobility and function of their bodies. Physical therapy is often needed after a severe injury or a debilitating illness.
A licensed physical therapist will meet with the individual and determine the treatment that is needed in order for them to accomplish their goals. The specific nature of physical therapy can vary widely. Some patients will require a series of exercises in order to improve mobility or enhance function. Others may require orthopedics or assistive devices in order to regain their abilities.
No special preparation is needed for this treatment.
There is a risk of injury related to some of the exercises or stretches performed in physical therapy. Following the therapist’s instructions carefully is important.
Reviewed by: Cheryl Gimenez
This page was last updated on: May 13, 2022 09:40 AM
The Crab Walk is a full-body strengthening movement that also works on coordination and mobility. Vanessa Strauss, a Physical Therapist at Nicklaus Children's Hospital's Rehabilitation Department, explains the Crab Walk.
The labrum is the cartilage ring at the edge of your hip socket. When this ring of cartilage tears, it’s known as an acetabular labral tear.
Bethlem myopathy is a form of muscular dystrophy that causes joint stiffness and muscle weakness that gradually becomes worse over time. It often affects the feet, hands and elbows.
TRAAC (Tracking Rehabilitative Advancement through Accountable Care) is the service delivery model of care for rehabilitation at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital.
Occupational therapy is a form of therapy that helps people rehabilitate through exercises and other means in order to perform their ordinary, daily tasks or work-related functions.
Hamstring muscles work to hold your child upright when standing and walking. Stretching these muscles is also important to prevent back injuries. Learn More