Overhead Athlete Injury Prevention Screening
Also known as: overhead athlete screening tool, overhead athlete screening and injury prevention, pitcher’s screening.
What is overhead athlete injury prevention screening?
Overhead athlete injury prevention screening is a program designed to prevent injuries in athletes that frequently raise their arms above their heads during sport activity, such as baseball, basketball, volleyball, and tennis athletes. It involves identifying areas in the pitching mechanics that can be addressed to strengthen and maintain healthy neuromuscular coordination of the entire kinetic chain of a pitcher, to increase endurance, and minimize disparities and weaknesses that may lead to mechanical changes and potential injury.
What happens during the procedure?
The athlete will be assessed a comprehensive physical examination and functional movement screening, as well as a biomechanical video motion analysis. The medical team will evaluate the athlete through different movements and tests to determine static and movement dysfunctions, and analyze the throwing mechanics of a baseball pitcher using state-of-the-art motion analysis software, to help determine injury risk. The screening is conducted by Sports Health performance specialists.
Is any special preparation needed?
Athlete must wear non-restrictive compression clothing in able to administer ROM testing and the positioning of motion analysis markers. Athletes must also wear shoes they would in their sport, and bring their own glove.
What are the risk factors?
Even after overhead athlete injury prevention screening, there is still a risk that an athlete can become injured during activity.
Reviewed by: Anthony Salvaggio, MS, LAT, ATC, CSCS, EMT/B
This page was last updated on: September 09, 2021 02:33 PM
March 31, 2017 – It is important to keep your shoulder healthy and strong throughout the entire sports season. Strengthening your shoulder daily will help avoid weakness and fatigue that you may feel as the sports season rolls along.
Our Overhead Athlete Program consists of a comprehensive screen to assess specifics of the kinetic chain that directly affect your athlete's ability to perform overhead activities. Sports like baseball, softball, volleyball, tennis, and swimming rely on both lower extremity and upper extremity muscle function and performance.