Electrocardiogram Test

Also known as: EKG, ECG.

What is an electrocardiogram test?

An electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) is a test that evaluates the electrical rhythm of the heart. It’s used by medical professionals to find potential problems based on the pattern of your heart’s electrical rhythm or rate.

What happens during the test?

A technician will attach 10 electrodes, to the chest, legs and arms. The patient may lie on a table during the test, or EKG is also used during a treadmill test, as well. The typical EKG takes just a few minutes, but special tests lasting up to a day may also be done at certain times if needed.

Is any special preparation needed?

Usually no special preparation is needed. In some instances, you may need to stop taking certain medications.

What are the risk factors?

None. There are no risks associated with taking this test.

Electrocardiogram test at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital: Medical professionals at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital use the electrocardiogram test and a variety of other tests to diagnose and monitor potential heart conditions. Nicklaus Children's Hospital also offers free ekg screenings to school-aged children currently enrolled in sports activities.

Reviewed by: Danyal M Khan, MD

This page was last updated on: February 26, 2021 01:44 PM

Pediatric EKG's for Kids and Teens

Nicklaus Children's Hospital is reaching out to the region’s young athletes by offering free pediatric electrocardiograms (ECG or EKG) testing to children ages 5-21.

Learn More