The hospital contracts with non-employed physician groups to provide pathology and neonatology services. These groups will bill insurance and patients separately for any services they perform:
Wolfsdorf, Raszynski and Sussmane PA
Children's Critical Care Specialists
Contact - 305-662-2639
MCH Pathologists, PA
Contact - Med Receivables 305-503-6320
Kidz Medical
Contact – Calev Jimenez 305-661-1515
South Dade Neonatology
Contact – Heidi Quintero 305-441-7179
Nicklaus Children's Pediatric Specialists
Pediatric specialties employed by Nicklaus Children's Pediatric Specialists (NCPS), a physician group practice that is part of Nicklaus Children's Health System, will bill insurance and patients separately for any services they perform. NCPS accepts the same insurance plans Nicklaus Children's Hospital accepts.