Sobre los autores > Reshma Babra Naidoo, PhD

About Reshma Babra Naidoo, PhD


Dr. Reshma Naidoo is a licensed neuropsychologist and neuro-rehabilitation specialist. Dr. Naidoo earned a doctorate in kinesiology (human biology) from Michigan State University in East Lansing and a doctorate in school psychology (neuropsychology) from the University of Texas at Austin.

Her special interests include pediatric-acquired brain injuries, developmental anomalies, medically complex individuals and neuropsychiatric populations, with a focus on neuro-rehabilitation for neurocognitive weaknesses.

Recent Blog Posts

Managing COVID-19: Children with Cancer 

The global spread of COVID-19 has led to an increase in health and hygiene practices to reduce the risk of transmission. Children with cancer who have actively or recently received treatment have weakened immune systems that can increase the likelihood of contracting infections and developing associated health complications. 

Guía Sobre Como Confrontar COVID-19 Para Niños con Discapacidades Intelectuales

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