Published on: 04/26/2004
MIAMI, FL. Close to 100 children of Miami Children’s Hospital (MCH) employees received a first-hand, behind-the-scenes perspective on the workings of a pediatric hospital during “National Bring Your Child to Work Day,” April 22.
Children in the 3rd through 6th grade visited various age-appropriate areas of the hospital, including the Pharmacy, Laboratory, Radiology, and Food and Nutritional Services departments and the Emergency Department.
First photo: Children, ages 8 and 9, and Miami Children's LifeFlight® personnel pose for a photo.
After receiving an official hospital identification badge, the children went throughout the hospital. Many departments provided the children with hands-on activities.

Eight-year-old, Catherine Jardines sits behind the wheel of the MCH LifeFlight® ground transport.
“We offered a very structured program to help children gain insight into the healthcare field,” said Sharon Howell of the hospital’s Education and Professional Development Department. “By showcasing the diverse job opportunities available within a hospital, we hope to have sparked the children’s interest in healthcare career choices.”