Published on: 01/29/2006
MIAMI — Four new members have been elected to the Board of Directors of Miami Children’s Hospital (MCH). They are:
Thomas M. Cornish
Mr. Cornish is President and Chief Executive Officer of Seitlin Insurance, one of the largest independent, privately held insurance brokerage and consulting firms in the state. Mr. Cornish also serves on the board of Miami Children’s Hospital Foundation.
Robert K. Jordan
Mr. Jordan, now retired from the full-time practice of law, served for 19 years as chairman of the Miami real estate division of Stroock & Stroock & Lavan, LLP, a national law firm with offices in New York, Los Angeles and Miami. Mr. Jordan was a partner in the firm for 15 years. He has served previously on the MCH board.
Anselmo Cepero-Akselrad, MD
Dr. Cepero-Akselrad is Associate Director of the Division of Pediatric Nephrology at Miami Children’s Hospital. He serves as President of the hospital’s Medical Staff and is board certified in pediatric nephrology.

Roberto Warman, MD
Dr. Warman is Director of the Division of Ophthalmology at Miami Children’s Hospital. He is board certified in ophthalmology.
Reappointed to the MCH board were: JoAnne Youngblut, PhD, RN, FAAN, Professor of Nursing and Coordinator of Research at the School of Nursing at Florida International University; and Ghislain Gouraige, Jr, Senior Vice President/Investments, The Private Bank of Bank of America. Dr. Moises Simpser, Director of the Division of Pulmonology, has also been reappointed and will also serve as Vice President of the Medical Staff.
Founded in 1950, Miami Children’s Hospital is the only licensed specialty hospital for children in South Florida. The 268-bed medical complex offers medical care and services for children from birth to age 21.
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