Parents may be dazzled by the array of electronic toys, games and a multitude of devices that promise to enhance a child’s development. While some electronic games and educational programs can offer developmental benefits, these tools should be made available to children in moderation and at the correct stage/age in development. Children under a certain age should not use any electronic devices, experts say. What should children be playing with and why? This presentation will help parents understand the basics of play, and what to look for in a toy to enhance their child’s growth and development through the natural progression of play.
About the speaker:
MarvieAnn Garcia-Rodriguez received her bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in occupational therapy from the University of Florida. A clinical specialist for more than 30 years, Ms. Garcia-Rodriguez has extensive experience in the evaluation and treatment of medically fragile neonates and premature infants. She implemented the Developmental Care Program in the Nicklaus Children’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). She has a strong background in the treatment of children with cerebral palsy, neurological disorders, genetic anomalies, pervasive developmental disorders and children on the spectrum. In addition, Ms. Garcia-Rodriguez is a member of the Spasticity Clinic team, is a mentor and educator in the NICU, and serves as peer mentor and administrator of the Student Internship Program at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital. She is neurodevelopmental treatment-certified for children and babies. She is also a certified massage therapist and Lamaze and “Pregnacize” instructor. Ms. Garcia-Rodriguez lectures at Nova Southeastern University, is a contributing author, and past Advisory Board Member for Nova Southeastern University Health Professions College and a member of the National Association of Neonatal Therapists.
For more information please contact:
Wendy Johnson
Phone: 305-662-8282
Cost: Free with registration