What is Urodynamic Testing?

Urodynamic tests take place on the hospital campus and use specialized equipment to assess bladder function. The test involves monitoring the two main functions of the bladder, filling and emptying. The Nicklaus Children’s team is committed to making the experience as child-friendly as possible through use of teaching and distraction techniques.

  • The first step is to place a thin tube inside the child’s bladder. While the tube can be a source of irritation, it is generally not painful. The parent can remain with the child while the catheter tube is placed to provide comfort and encouragement.  A child life specialist may also support the process to help distract the child and explain the process in age-appropriate terms.
  • Once all arrangements are made, the child can be seated on a specialized toilet in a private area. He or she will be encouraged to urinate. 
  • Once the bladder is empty, warm water is inserted into the child’s bladder through the tube. Once the bladder is filled, the child is encouraged to urinate again. Pressure within the bladder and bladder response is monitored during filling and voiding. 

Urodynamic Tests and Treatments

Urinary Biofeedback

Biofeedback is a technique children are taught to identify and properly relax their urinary sphincter muscle when urinating, as well as to contract the muscle effectively to maintain normal urinary control.

Urodynamics and Videourodynamics

Urodynamics and vIdeo-urodynamics are tests to determine the source of urinary issues.


Uroflowmetry is a diagnostic test used to measure the flow of urine during urination. It's a noninvasive test and it is generally used to see if there is an atypical pattern of urine outflow.