The two primary organizational components of the Human Research Protection Program at Nicklaus Children's Research Institute, and Institutional Review Board (IRB). All research involving human subjects conducted at Nicklaus Children's Hospital must have approval from IRB. In collaboration with IRB, the Nicklaus Children's Research Institute also assumes certain administrative responsibilities for the Human Research Protection Program at Nicklaus Children's Hospital.
Nicklaus Children's Research Institute ensures research participant protection by establishing formal processes to evaluate and continually improve the protection of human research participants, dedicating sufficient resources through exercising oversight of research protection, providing education and training opportunities to investigators and research staff, and, when appropriate, by providing a mechanism to intervene in research and to respond directly to concerns of research participants.
Within Nicklaus Children's Research Institute , the Human Research Protection Program is guided by policies and procedures that specify the roles and responsibilities of research staff in preserving and protecting the safety, rights and well-being of prospective and active research participants in all phases of study from planning through recruitment and conduct of the protocol to conclusion of the study and disclosure or publication of research results.