Also known as: continuous X-ray imaging.
What is Fluoroscopy?
An easy way to understand fluoroscopy is to think of it like an X-ray video. Instead of producing a static image of the inside of the body, fluoroscopy produces a continuous, moving image to show how structures within the body are moving.
What happens during the procedure?
The procedure is similar to an X-ray in that a part of the patient’s body is exposed to an X-ray machine. Except the machine produces a continuous image that is transmitted to a nearby television screen for monitoring and observation.
Is any special preparation needed?
The following fluoroscopy procedures require an appointment and almost all of these studies require advance preparation:
What are the risk factors?
Some small risks are related to the radiation exposure caused by fluoroscopy. But in general, the benefits of the procedure far outweigh the risks.
Barium Swallow Preparation Guidelines
or Esophagus and Upper GI or Upper GI and Small Bowel
- Infants up to 4 months: Nothing by mouth for the 3 hours preceding the exam
- 5 months 2 years: No liquids for four hour prior to the exam; no solids after midnight preceding the exam
- Over 2 years: Nothing by mouth after midnight
Gall Bladder Fluoroscopy (No Ultrasound) Preparation Guidelines
Fat-free dinner the night before the examination. Take capsules at 9:00 pm. Nothing to eat or drink after midnight. No laxatives.
- Under 75 pounds: Radiologist will determine dosage
- 75-90 pounds: 4 capsules Oragrafin
- 90-150 pounds: 6 capsules Oragrafin
- 150-200 pounds: 9 capsules Oragrafin
- Over 200 pounds: 12 capsules Oragrafin
Reviewed by: Melquiades Alvarez, M.D.
This page was last updated on: March 17, 2021 02:19 PM