Orthopedic Treatments and Procedures
ACDF Surgery
Short for Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion, is a neck surgery intended to relieve neck or arm pain from pinched nerves.
ACL Injury Prevention Screening
ACL injury prevention screening is a biomechanical motion analysis test performed to identify level of risk for an ACL or other lower extremity injury.
An arthrogram is an imaging test that is used to examine a joint, such as the shoulder or knee.
BEAR Implant
This procedure, involves the placement of an implant that enables the ACL to heal itself over time, rather than traditional surgery that involves replacing the ACL.
Bone Scan
A bone scan is usually used to assess pain, fractures, infection, or tumors of bone. A radioactive medicine is injected into a vein and then images are taken with a special camera, called a gamma camera.
Casts and Splints
Cast and splints are orthopedic medical devices that are used to hold broken bones in position while they heal themselves.
One method for treating a severe leg length discrepancy is known as epiphysiodesis. This surgical procedure involves halting the growth of the longer leg in order to allow the shorter leg to “catch up” over time.
Fracture Care
Fracture care refers to a wide range of treatments that can be used to mend broken bones, or fractures. This involves both immediate treatment to stabilize the bone and any rehabilitation that may be needed after the fracture has healed.
Guided Growth
For children who develop certain problems with their limbs, such as bowlegs, knock-knees and others, treatment can often be difficult and invasive. Guided growth surgery is a less invasive procedure that uses plates and screws to correct the problems gradually over time with hardware that guides the growth of the limbs, but is still flexible to allow things to move and change gradually with time.
Hip Surgery: Closed and Open Reduction of Developmental Hip Dislocations
Closed (no incision) and open (with an incision) reductions are used to put the hip back in the socket in young children.
Hip Surgery: Surgical Dislocation of the Hip
A surgical hip dislocation is a controlled, and safe, method of surgically removing the hip from it’s socket (acetabulum). This allows access to the hip joint to treat a variety of hip problems.
ILIZAROV Treatment/Technique
Ilizarov treatment/technique is a method used for correcting unequal or deformed limbs. It can also prevent amputation in some instances. It’s used to treat problems ranging from growth plate fractures to congenital limb deformities to broken bones that didn’t heal properly.
Leg Bracing
Braces are medical devices that can be used to immobilize and support a sprained or fractured body part, typically an arm or leg.
Short for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, refers to a class of medications that reduce inflammation, pain and fever.
Orthotic Shoes and Inserts
Custom shoe inserts can be used to help treat a wide variety of foot and leg specific problems or other medical conditions. providing additional support and comfort.
Pelvic and Femoral Osteotomies
The acetabulum is the curved part of the pelvis that forms the hip socket and accepts the head of the femur bone. In most cases, these two bones fit together well. If something is causing the femur to pop loose or not rotate well in the socket, then a pelvic and femoral osteotomy may be the procedures needed to fix the problem.
Ponseti Method for Clubfoot Corrections
The most common method of treating clubfeet in newborns. It involves using manual manipulation of the feet, casting and bracing to correct clubfeet and prevent their recurrence without major reconstructive surgery.
PRECICE Nail for Limb Lengthening
The PRECICE nail is a magnetic lengthening nail that is used for correction of limb length discrepancies and deformity.
Unlike surgical techniques, reduction involves manually manipulating the dislocating bone back into its socket to correct the dislocation.
RICE is an acronym that stands for rest, ice, compression and elevation. These are often the four measures that are recommended for at-home treatment immediately after a mild or moderate strain or sprain occurs in many different parts of the body.
Single-Event Multilevel Surgery
Single-event multilevel surgery, or SEMLS, is a surgical procedure that aims to correct many of the issues related to neuromuscular disorders with just one orthopedic surgical procedure.
Steroid Injections
Steroid injections are a treatment that can be used to reduce pain and improve mobility. Steroids are injected directly into an area of the body in order to reduce pain and swelling.
Taylor Spatial Frame™
The Taylor Spatial Frame is a medical device known as a circular external fixator. It’s a device that surrounds the leg or arm and gradually increases the length of the extremity in addition to correcting deformity.
Therapeutic Joint Injections
Therapeutic joint injections are a pain-reducing treatment for arthritis. They involve injecting a steroid directly into the painful joint in order to reduce pain and swelling.
Tommy John Surgery
The ulnar collateral ligament is the ligament located inside the elbow. If the ligament becomes torn, such as with pitching or other athletic endeavors, the surgery to repair it is known as Tommy John surgery.