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Nicklaus Children’s Hospital has several outpatient and urgent care centers throughout South Florida, including on-demand, virtual care.
Walk-in urgent care with no appointment needed.
Serving as your child's primary doctor's office.
Pediatric specialty consultations available closer to home.
A full range of comprehensive services all under one roof.
Connect with providers from the comfort of your own home.
With over 800 pediatric clinicians on staff, we’re dedicated to helping you connect with the right specialist for your needs.
We have expertise in treating children and educating families on hundreds of different conditions.
We use cutting-edge, specialized treatments and procedures to ensure the best care for your child.
Our neurosurgery team works with other pediatric specialists at Nicklaus Children’s to establish an accurate diagnosis, develop a specialized treatment plan and provide comprehensive treatment to all patients. Our renowned pediatric neurosurgeons are recognized for excellence among their peers based upon their surgical expertise, their numerous publications in textbooks and peer-reviewed journals, and their lectures both nationally and internationally.
Chief, Section of NeurosurgeryDirector, Division of NeurosurgeryCo-Medical Director, Nicklaus Children's Hospital Brain InstituteMedical Director, Neuro-Oncology Surgical Services
Primary Office: Miami
Clinical Interests: Brain and spinal cord tumors, cerebral palsy, spasticity and movement disorders, complex congenital or traumatic spinal disorders
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Chief, Department of Surgery
Additional Offices: Aventura, Naples
Clinical Interests: Neurosurgery, neurotrauma, brain tumors, spina bifida, tethered spinal cord, congenital anomalies
Medical Director of Quality, Nicklaus Children’s Hospital Brain Institute Neurosurgery Surgical Director, Spasticity and Movement Disorders
Clinical Interests: Neurosurgery, cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus, craniofacial anomalies, epilepsy
Pediatric Neurosurgeon
Additional Offices: Boynton Beach, Naples, Palm Beach Gardens
Clinical Interests: Hydrocephalus, epilepsy, spasticity, trauma and brain tumors
Pediatric Neurosurgeon
Clinical Interests: Brachial plexus injuries, vascular neurosurgical conditions, hydrocephalus, tethered cord syndrome, tumors and the management of complex congenital disorders, including Chiari malformations and myelomeningocele
See all Pediatric Neurosurgeons on the Nicklaus Children's Hospital medical staff.
Supervisor, Neurosurgery Advance Practice Providers (APPs)
Clinical Interests: Pediatric neurosurgical diseases, including brain tumors, spasticity and hydrocephalus
Pediatric Neurosurgery Advanced Nurse Practitioner
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A clinician identified with a Nicklaus Children's Pediatric Specialists logo is an affiliate of Nicklaus Children's Health System. All other clinicians listed on the website are in independent medical practices.