Sinus Disease
Also known as: sinus infection, sinusitis.
What is sinus disease?
Sinus disease refers to any number of medical conditions that impact the sinuses. The sinuses are cavities in the skull that usually trap germs and prevent them from infecting the body. They are a common area of infection, however.
What causes sinus disease?
Sinus diseases are frequently caused by bacterial or viral infection. In other cases, the diseases are a complication of an allergic reaction that affects the sinuses.
What are the symptoms of sinus disease?
Symptoms can include a stuffy or runny nose, congestion, cough, a feeling of pain or pressure in the head, fatigue, fever and tooth pain.
What are sinus disease care options?
Decongestants can help with the symptoms of sinus disease. If the disease is caused by a bacteria, antibiotics can help. Antihistamines are useful for treating allergies that lead to sinus disease. In severe cases, surgery to open up the sinuses and relieve pressure may be an option.
Reviewed by: Brian Ho, MD
This page was last updated on: October 03, 2019 04:36 PM