Multiple Hereditary Exostoses

Also known as: hereditary multiple exostoses, hereditary multiple osteochondromas, diaphyseal aclasis.

What is multiple hereditary exostoses?

Multiple hereditary exostoses is a genetic condition in which an individual develops multiple bone tumors on the ends of the bones, often at the ends of long bones or on the hips or shoulder blades. These tumors are non-cancerous but can cause growth problems for the affected bones. The condition is frequently referred to as multiple hereditary osteochondromas, as well.

What causes multiple hereditary exostoses?

Multiple hereditary exostoses is a genetic disorder that can be passed along from a parent to his or her child. In some cases, the mutation that causes the disorder appears randomly with no previous family history of the condition.

What are the symptoms of multiple hereditary exostoses?

The tumors present with multiple hereditary exostoses can cause lack of growth, bone pain, loss of movement or sensation in the limbs or pressure that is exerted on nearby organs. In rare instances, the tumors can lead to the development of cancer over time.

What are multiple hereditary exostoses care options?

In many cases, observation is recommended since the tumors typically stop growing during childhood. However, surgical removal of the tumors may be an option if the tumors are causing pain, mobility or growth issues.

Reviewed by: Scott J Schoenleber, MD

This page was last updated on: October 16, 2020 02:06 PM

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