Meniscus Tears

Also known as: knee tears, torn meniscus.

What are meniscus tears?

Meniscus is the cartilage in the knee that cushions the joint between the thighbone and shinbone. A tear in this cartilage can cause several symptoms and complications and is known as a meniscus tear. It’s one of the most common knee injuries.

What causes meniscus tears?

Most meniscus tears occur due to a direct injury, such as from playing sports. The meniscus can also get weak and thin over time and is more prone to tears as a person ages.

What are the symptoms of meniscus tears?

A meniscus tear can cause swelling, stiffness, pain, trouble moving the knee, or a catching, locking, or “giving way” sensation in the knee.

What are meniscus tear care options?

Minor tears can be treated with rest, ice, compression, elevation (RICE) and over-the-counter pain relievers. More severe tears may require surgical correction followed by a period of knee rehabilitation.

Reviewed by: Annie L Casta, MD

This page was last updated on: August 19, 2020 01:18 PM

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