Deformational Plagiocephaly
Also known as: positional plagiocephaly, plagiocephaly, flat head syndrome.
What is deformational plagiocephaly?
Deformational plagiocephaly refers to a defect in which the head is misshapen and often flat in one area due to pressure put on that area of the head.
What causes deformational plagiocephaly?
Babies can be born with deformational plagiocephaly due to their position in the uterus or a tight space in the uterus. It can also occur after birth due to the baby always being placed in the same position. Premature babies are more likely to develop the condition.
What are the symptoms of deformational plagiocephaly?
The physical presence of a flat or misshapen head is typically the only symptom of deformational plagiocephaly. It typically does not affect brain growth or development.
What are deformational plagiocephaly care options?
In some cases, simply being mindful of placing your baby’s head in different positions when resting or sleeping is sufficient treatment for deformational plagiocephaly. Other times, the use of a molding helmet is needed to help reshape the head over time.
This page was last updated on: July 02, 2021 09:36 AM
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Camp Superstar
Date: Friday, July 11, 2025
Camp Superstar is a three-day sleep away camp for children with craniofacial conditions.
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