Congenital Malformations of the Lids and Eyes

Also known as: congenital disorders of the eyes, congenital and developmental eyelid abnormalities, congenital anomalies of the eyes

What are congenital malformations of the lids and eyes?

Any problem with the eyes or eyelids that develops in a fetus while it’s still in the uterus is known as a congenital malformation of the lids and eyes. They can range from minor vision problems to severe deformities of the eyes or the surrounding facial structure, including small or missing eyeballs.

What causes congenital malformations of the lids and eyes?

The cause of many congenital malformations of the lids and eyes is not known. There appears to be a genetic component to the disorders. In some cases, they can run in families and be passed along from parents to children.

What are the symptoms of congenital malformations of the lids and eyes?

Symptoms of congenital malformations of the lids and eyes can vary widely depending on the nature of the anomaly. In almost all cases, however, they involve some form of abnormal appearance to the eye or the surround structure, as well as problems with vision, droopy.

What are congenital malformations of the lids and eyes care options?

Surgery and vision correction is typically required to both physically repair the anomaly and maximize the vision of the child with the malformation.

Reviewed by: Zenia Aguilera, MD

This page was last updated on: September 06, 2019 10:28 AM