Also known as: adamantinoma of the long bones, extragnathic adamantinoma
What is adamantinoma?
An Adamantinoma is a rare slow growing type of cancerous bone tumor that occurs most often in boys and young men, most frequently found in the shin bone (tibia), and jaw bone (mandible). Occasionally it is found in the feet, hands, or forearms. Sometimes the tumor may spread to the lungs or lymph glands of the bone involved.
What causes adamantinoma?
There is no known cause for adamantinomas, however they typically occurs after some form of trauma or injury to the bone.
What are the symptoms of adamantinoma?
Symptoms of adamantinoma include pain, swelling, and redness over the tumor site, trouble moving the affected limb/bone and/or limping.
What are adamantinoma care options?
An adamantinoma does not typically respond to standard cancer therapies such as chemotherapy or radiation. Surgery to remove the tumor and surrounding tissue, or amputation if the tumor involves major nerves or blood vessels, are the typical treatment options.
Reviewed by: Jack Wolfsdorf, MD, FAAP
This page was last updated on: March 07, 2022 11:22 AM
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