
Also known as: talipes, congenital talipes equinovarus, CTEV.

What is Clubfoot?

Clubfoot is a medical condition in which an infant’s foot or feet are turned inward, either to the side or almost facing upward. It’s a common birth defect, and most children can have the deformity corrected with proper treatment that begins shortly after birth.

What causes clubfoot?

There is definitely a hereditary component to clubfoot, as it tends to run in families. However, there are also some genetic and environmental factors that are more difficult to pin down specifically.

What are the symptoms of clubfoot?

Clubfoot isn’t a painful situation for infants who have it. However, if the condition is not treated, it can cause a lot of problems as the child grows. These can include difficulty walking, limited mobility, calluses and pain, often severe.

What are clubfoot care options?

Clubfoot can usually be treated without major surgery. The typical approach is to use a casting technique known as the Ponsetti method to stretch and cast the feet in the correct position. This process is repeated every week for several weeks. After the casting process, a small procedure may be performed either in the physician office or in the operating room to lengthen one of the tendons in the ankle. Braces are then used to hold the foot in position. The braces are initially worn all the time and the only at night for a few years. In more severe instances, surgery may be needed to correct clubfoot.

Reviewed by: Avi Baitner, MD

This page was last updated on: October 14, 2020 01:15 PM