Ramchandran, S., Pierce, A., George, S., et al (2024). Is there an anatomic basis for the different behavior of Lenke types 1AR and 1AL in idiopathic scoliosis? A study on facet joint tropism influence. .
Spine Deformity,
12(1), 159-164.
View in Pubmed
Ramchandran, S., Pierce, A., ..., George, S. (2024). Does levelling of T1 tilt intra-operatively affect post-operative shoulder balance in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients? .
Spine Deformity,
12(6), 1719-1727.
View in Pubmed
Conde, O., Ramchandran, S., ..., George, S. (2024). Role of Topical Tranexamic Acid on Blood Loss and Transfusion Requirements in Spinal Fusion for Neuromuscular and Syndromic .
Global Spine Journal,
Ahead of Print(), .
View in Pubmed
Keshavarzi, S., Harris, G., ..., George, S. (2024). Role of spinal MRI for pre-operative work up in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a retrospective case study and narrative review .
Spine deformity,
Ahead of Print(), .
View in Pubmed
Keshavarzi, S., Spardy, J, ... George, S. (2024). Use of navigation for anterior and posterior instrumentation in the surgical management of pediatric pathologic lumbosacral deformity.
Journal of craniovertebral junction & spine,
15(1), 114-117.
View in Pubmed
Upasani, V.V., Bartley, C.E., …, George, S., et al. (2024). 3D analysis of the preoperative deformity in AIS can be used to guide surgical treatment decisions for selective thoracic fusion.
Spine deformity,
12(3), 717-725.
View in Pubmed
Stone, L.E., Upasani, V.V., ..., George, S.G., et al (2023). SRS-22r Self-Image After Surgery for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis at 10-year Follow-up.
48(10), 683-687.
View in Pubmed
Ramchandran, S., George, S., Braun, B., et al (2023). Is there an anatomic basis for the different behavior of Lenke types 1AR and 1AL in idiopathic scoliosis? A study on facet joint tropism influence.
Spine Deformity,
12(1), 159-164.
View in Pubmed
Keshavarzi, S., Ramchandran, S., ..., George, S., et al (2023). Utilization of pre-operative MRI to identify AIS patients at highest risk of intra-operative neuromonitoring alert.
Spine Deformity,
11(6), 1419-1426.
View in Pubmed
Klyce, W., Suresh, K.V., ..., George, S., et al (2022). Pedicle Screw Plowing in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: How Common Is It and Is It a Problem?.
47(12), 873-878.
View in Pubmed
Ramchandran, S., Monsour, A., ..., George, S. (2021). Impact of Supine Radiographs to Assess Curve Flexibility in the Treatment of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis.
Global Spine Journal,
12(8), 1731-1735.
View in Pubmed
Mihas, A., Ramchandran, S., ..., George, S. (2021). Safe and effective performance of pediatric spinal deformity surgery in patients unwilling to accept blood transfusion: a clinical study and review of literature.
BMC musculoskeletal disorders,
22(1), 204.
View in Pubmed
George, S., Ramchandran, S., Mihas, A., et al (2021). Topical tranexemic acid reduces intra-operative blood loss and transfusion requirements in spinal deformity correction in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.
Spine Deformity,
9(5), 1387-1393.
View in Pubmed
Ameri, B., Shufflebarger, H.L., ..., George, S.G., et al (2021). Late spinal infections following posterior spinal fusion in pediatric deformities: treatment using single-stage titanium implant exchange.
Spine Deformity,
9(3), 751-755.
View in Pubmed
George, S., Spiegel, M., Protopsaltis, T., et al (2020). Mandibular slope: a reproducible and simple measure of horizontal gaze.
Spine Deformity,
8(5), 893-899.
View in Pubmed
Ramchandran, S., George, S., Asghar, J., Shufflebarger, H. (2019). Anatomic Trajectory for Iliac Screw Placement in Pediatric Scoliosis and Spondylolisthesis: An Alternative to S2-Alar Iliac Portal.
Spine Deformity,
7(2), 286-292.
View in Pubmed
Shufflebarger, H.L., Miyanji, F., George, S.G. (2019). The Surgical Treatment Lumbar and Thoracolumbar Curve Patterns (Lenke Type 5): Anterior versus Posterior Approach.
Thieme Publishers.
Idiopathic Scoliosis: The Harms Study Group Treatment Guide.
Shufflebarger, H.L., George, S.G. (2019). Thoracoplasty Indications and Techniques.
Thieme Publishers.
Idiopathic Scoliosis: The Harms Study Group Treatment Guide.
Roye, B.D., George, S.G. (2019). Osteoblastic Agents for Spinal Fusion.
Thieme Publishers.
Idiopathic Scoliosis: The Harms Study Group Treatment Guide.
George, S.G., Shufflebarger, H.L. (2018). Surgical Treatment of Scheuermann’s Kyphosis.
Textbook of Spinal Surgery.
George, S.G., Lebwohl, N.H., Pasquotti, G., William,s S.K. (2018). Percutaneous and open iliac screw safety and accuracy using a tactile technique with adjunctive anteriorposterior fluoroscopy.
Spine Journal,
18(9), 1570-1577.
View in Pubmed
Buckland, A., DelSole, E., George, S.G., et al (2017). Sagittal Pelvic Orientation A Comparison of Two Methods of Measurement.
Bulletin of the Hospital for Joint Disease,
75(4), 234-240.
View in Pubmed
George, S.G., Behrend, C.J., Molinari, R.W. (2013). Biomechanical Evaluation of Anterior Thoracic Salvage Screws in the Osteoporotic Thoracic Spine.
Journal of Spinal Disorders and Techniques,
26(6), E235-E239.
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