Rolando's Success Story

Published on: 01/30/2012

Four years ago, at the age of 9, Rolando was diagnosed with juvenile dermatomyositis, a rare autoimmune disorder, thanks to Nicklaus Children's (formerly Miami Children's) Hospital, and its multidisciplinary team. Since then, Rolando has been cared for by the Division of Rheumatology as an inpatient and outpatient.

"The situation required immediate treatment," says Marissa, his mother. "Because there are no established guidelines for the treatment of this disease, Dr. Rivas-Chacón has had to consult with other specialists at the National Institute of Health in Maryland. Fortunately we have a doctor like him very close, and the staff of the Miami Children's Hospital understands this disease well. "

Rolando, now 13 years old, adds "The hospital staff has taken good care of me. I had to go there very often, but I don't have to go as often anymore. The medicines have helped me a lot."

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