Patient of the Month: Jaxon

Published on: 04/24/2023

When Dara gave birth to Jaxon, he had a ridge along his forehead. With more testing, Jaxon was diagnosed with craniosynostosis of the metopic suture, and he would need surgery immediately to correct the anomaly because the irregular shape of the skull was pushing on the brain. The family also determined that Jaxon also had a rare genetic disorder that would require ongoing care. After extensive research on where to take their son for the best care, Dara and her husband, Cliff, were proud to choose Nicklaus Children's in their own backyard. Thanks to the care provided by a team of specialists led by Dr. Chad Perlyn and Dr. Sanjiv Bhatia, Jaxon is celebrating his seventh birthday in May. Watch Jaxon's heart-warming story.

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