We understand that news related to the international spread of COVID-19 has raised concerns in our community. As part of our commitment to the region’s children and families, Nicklaus Children’s Hospital is in daily contact with local, state and federal agencies to monitor the situation, and is prepared to evaluate and care for patients with COVID-19 or suspected COVID-19.
The Centers for Disease Control and Department of Health are approving testing for patients who meet the following criteria:
- Have traveled to a Level 3 advisory country, or
- Have been exposed to a patient confirmed with COVID-19
- And, have the following symptoms: Fever and cough, or shortness of breath, or sore throat.
The Florida Department of Health has a dedicated call center for COVID-19 questions and concerns. The phone number is 866-779-6121, or you can email: COVID-19@flhealth.gov.
For more information, please visit the COVID-19 Traveler Health Alert.
Important Visitation Policy Update & Entry Points
Nicklaus Children’s is rigorously applying protocols recommended by the Centers for Disease Control regarding the novel COVID-19 virus. Our priority, as always, is the health and safety of all of our patients and visitors. Please visit Planning Your Visit for more information.
We are also limiting the number of main entrances to the nicklauschildrens.org/maps for more information.
How Nicklaus Children’s is Working to Keep You Safe
Nicklaus Children’s is closely monitoring the international and regional impact of COVID-19. As part of our commitment to the health and safety of our patients, visitors and staff, we have implemented new screening protocols and visitation practices recommended by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
New Screening Protocol on Arrival
Everyone arriving at the main hospital or an outpatient center will receive an initial screening by the care team regarding specific criteria set forth by the CDC.
Fewer Campus Entrances at Main Campus
To ensure that we properly screen all patients and visitors at our hospital, we are limiting the number of entrances. For more details, visit Planning Your Visit.
New Visitor Policy for Inpatients and Emergency Room Visits
- Due to the current higher-than-usual rate of respiratory infections in our community, we have enacted changes to our inpatient, emergency room and outpatient care setting patient visitor policy across the health system. We are asking patient families to adhere to the following practices to ensure the safety of the children in our care.
- Each hospitalized patient family may have up to two visitors (including parents/legal authorized representatives) at one time. Siblings are only allowed if there are no other alternatives for their care. Babies who are breastfeeding are an exception. Siblings must remain in the patient room.
- For an emergency department visit, we ask that parents not bring other family members. Limiting visitors is an important way we can limit the spread of illness and keep everyone safe.
New Visitor Policy for Outpatient Visits, Urgent Care, Clinic Visits and the Ambulatory Surgery Center
- A maximum of two primary caregivers can accompany a patient who has an appointment at any of our clinics/centers or medical offices.
- Please do not bring extra family or friends to these visits (especially children under 12 years old).
- All visitors should perform hand hygiene upon arrival.
New Food Service Practices
The Nicklaus Food Service team is following guidelines from the CDC, local and state health officials, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), National Restaurant Association, and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. As such, we are taking the following precautions in food services areas:
- The salad bar in the Golden Cub Café has been modified to offer an assortment of individually packaged fruit cups and salads.
- Soups and cereals are now served by staff, rather than the self-service format.
- Additional sanitizing stations have been installed in all retail venues.
- All food service team members are ServSafe certified and are taking additional precautions, including increasing the frequency of hand washing and glove changes.
- Dining seating areas in the Golden Cub Café and other food service areas are being cleaned and sanitized by our team members with a multi-surface cleaner and disinfectant with increased frequency throughout the day.
- We have eliminated trays for dine-in café orders and will continue to provide bags for customer convenience.
How You Can Help Keep Others Safe at Nicklaus
All parents/guardians accompanying children during medical appointments must be free of signs and symptoms of infectious disease, including cough, runny nose, rash, vomiting and fever. Please notify the medical provider caring for your child if you are anyone else in the home has a fever, cough, rash, shortness of breath, or any other signs of respiratory infection.
Working to Protect Our Community
Nicklaus Children’s leaders and staff are working diligently to ensure that hospital care teams are prepared to meet the needs of the local pediatric population. We receive daily guidance from the CDC and health departments, and communicate each day with staff to keep everyone informed. We have conducted extensive staff training related to best care management practices to ensure teams are prepared as the situation evolves.
Social Distancing
According to the Florida Department of Health, social distancing is recommended when the risk of infection is possible. This can include limiting gatherings of large groups, or postponing events. Learn more about Social Distancing precautions here.
Travel Precautions
As we enter spring break, we encourage our patient families to limit or postpone unnecessary travel to a Level 3 or Level 2 advisory location, based on the latest CDC advisories. These advisories are updated frequently, so for the most up-to-date list on current travel precautions, please visit: www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/index.html.
About the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
The novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 that originated in China is making international headlines. It’s important to know that the risk of contracting this coronavirus is still low in the United States. Be sure that your family members get flu vaccines and wash hands frequently to protect against infection.
What You Can Do to Stop The Spread of Germs

CDC Fact Sheets
In an effort to inform our patient families about the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19), we're providing the CDC Fact Sheets currently available:
For the latest information on the COVID-19, please visit: www.cdc.gov/nCoV
CDC Video: What You Need to Know About Handwashing