What are speech disorders?

Also known as: speech and language disorders, speech impediments, speech problems.

Any abnormality of a child’s ability to speak clearly and normally can be classified as a speech disorder. There are several different types of speech disorders which include difficulties with:

  1. Articulation (the production of clear and distinct sounds in speech-abnormalities may make it hard to understand what is being said).

  2. Voice and Resonance (production by the vocal cords of a loud and clear sound-abnormalities may result in a harsh, hoarse or raspy voice or a “nasally” sounding voice).

  3. Fluency (smoothness or flow of words-an abnormality includes stuttering).

All can range widely in nature and severity. They are frequently seen in childhood, in some improvement occurs over time, in others it may persist into adulthood.

Reviewed by: Jack Wolfsdorf, MD, FAAP

This page was last updated on: 1/29/2019 3:21:13 PM

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