What is cutis marmorta elangiectatica congentia?

Also known as: CMTC

Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita (CMTC) is an uncommonly reported, sporadic, congenital cutaneous disorder with persistent cutis marmorata, telangiectasia, and phlebectasia. Ulceration of the involved skin and cutaneous atrophy is described in a number of cases.

In addition, CMTC is often reported in association with a variety of other congenital anomalies, including but not limited to undergrowth or overgrowth of an involved extremity. Congenital disorder which is present at birth or shortly after.

CMTC principally affects the skin. CMTC tends to occur more frequently on the lower limbs, although the upper extremities, trunk, and face may also be involved. When located on the trunk, CMTC tends to have a midline distribution.

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