Audiology Services

Identifying hearing loss at the earliest opportunity is key to helping children achieve their full potential. 
Hearing loss can affect your child’s speech and language development, school performance and social relationships.
Our Rehabilitation Services Department provides a multidisciplinary approach to intervention that will alleviate the adverse effects of hearing loss on speech and language development, academic performance, and cognitive development.

We offer the following audiology services:

Your child may need a full hearing evaluation if he or she:

  • Did not pass the universal newborn hearing screening at the time of birth
  • Is not reaching auditory developmental milestones
  • Doesn’t respond to things said,  or doesn’t seem to notice when spoken to
  • Asks you to repeat things (more for older children than infants)
  • Has difficulty locating the direction of a sound or voice
  • Starts talking later than children the same age (based on reports by teachers, etc)
  • Can’t say words and sentences the right way
  • Has difficulty hearing one voice when several people are talking
  • Misses quick or soft sounds
  • Is performing poorly at school
  • Has diseases that can cause hearing loss
  • Has been diagnosed with other conditions that sometimes include hearing loss
  • Has been taking medical treatments that may have hearing loss as a side effect
  • Has parents or grandparents with hearing problems (hearing loss is hereditary)

Are my child’s auditory skills developing normally?

Click each box to learn about auditory developmental milestones in children.

Auditory Processing Disorder Evaluations

Does my child have an auditory processing disorder?

Signs and symptoms of an Auditory Processing Disorder:

  • Difficulty understanding speech in the presence of competing background noise
  • Problems with the ability to localize the source of a signal
  • Inconsistent or inappropriate responses to requests for information
  • Difficulty following rapid speech
  • Frequent requests for repetition and/or rephrasing of information
  • Difficulty following directions
  • Difficulty or inability to detect the changes in rhythm, stress, and intonation in speech
  • Difficulty learning a foreign language or novel speech materials, especially technical language
  • Difficulty maintaining attention
  • A tendency to be easily distracted
  • Poor singing, musical ability, and/or appreciation of music
  • Academic difficulties, including reading, spelling and/or learning problems

Auditory Processing Evaluation Referral Criteria

  • 7 years of age
  • English is the main language spoken in the home
  • Within normal limits speech and language skills
  • Within Normal limits IQ – 90 or above
  • Within Normal limits hearing 
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