Paciente del mes: Tyler

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El inspirador viaje de Logan: Un gran avance en el tratamiento del cáncer pediátrico

abril 30, 2024 – Conozca a Logan, de 8 años, y su viaje luchando contra una leucemia mieloide aguda recidivante, que dio resultados pioneros en el tratamiento del cáncer pediátrico.

La travesía de Samuel: superación de desafíos inimaginables

abril 26, 2024 – Con tan solo tres meses de edad, la vida de Samuel dio un giro que pondría a prueba la fuerza, la fe y la capacidad de recuperación de su familia. A Samuel le diagnosticaron epilepsia intratable, por lo que tuvo que enfrentar una batalla cuesta.

Advanced, Personalized Care for Children with Thyroid Cancer

febrero 19, 2024 – Although a rare type of pediatric cancer, thyroid cancer in children is on the rise. The multidisciplinary team in the thyroid cancer program at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital is dedicated to providing advanced, comprehensive diagnosis and treatment options while offering families support every step of the way.

Innovating Care for Children With Limb Discrepancies and Deformities

diciembre 18, 2023 – At Nicklaus Children’s Hospital’s Orthopedic, Sports Medicine and Spine Institute, potentially lifelong disabilities are recognized early, often prenatally, and potential intervention opportunities are reviewed with the Family. Limb lengthening and deformity corrections are often complex and affect multiple areas of a patient’s well-being, thus families have access to our multidisciplinary team for support.