Vincenzo Maniaci, MD

A clinician identified with a Nicklaus Children's Pediatric Specialists logo is an affiliate of Nicklaus Children's Health System. All other clinicians listed on the website are in independent medical practices.


Cohen, N., Justin, J., ..., Maniaci, V., et al (2022). Poor Perception and Knowledge of Electronic Cigarettes Among Adolescents and Their Parents. Pediatric emergency care, 38(2), e709-e713. View in Pubmed

Suastegui, C., Lozano, J.M., Maniaci, V.M., et al (2021). Comparison of the Demographics and Visit Characteristics of Patients Who Left the Pediatric Emergency Department Without Being Seen With Those Who Were Evaluated in the Emergency Department. Pediatric emergency care, 37(6), e329-e333. View in Pubmed

Khalil, P.A., Berkovich, J., Maniaci, V., et al (2020). Performance of Emergency Medical Service Providers in Pediatric and Adult Simulation of Unstable Supraventricular Tachycardia. Pediatric Emergency Care, 36(8), e451-e455. View in Pubmed

Zimmerman, E., Cohen, N., Maniaci, V., Pena, B., Lozano, J.M., Linares, M. (2015). Use of a Metronome in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Simulation Study. Pediatrics, 136(5), 905-911. View in Pubmed

De Jesus, C.R., García Peña, B.M., Lozano, J.M., Maniaci, V. (2015). Cervical Spine Motion During Airway Management Using Two Manual In-line Immobilization Techniques: A Human Simulator Model Study. Pediatric Emergency Care, 31(9), 627-632. View in Pubmed

Zimmerman, E., Cohen, N., Maniaci, V., ..., Linares, M. (2015). Use of a Metronome in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Simulation Study. Pediatrics, 136(5), 905-911. View in Pubmed

De Jesus, C.R., García Peña, B.M., Lozano, J.M., Maniaci, V. (2015). Cervical Spine Motion During Airway Management Using Two Manual In-line Immobilization Techniques: A Human Simulator Model Study. Pediatric Emergency Care, 31(9), 627-632. View in Pubmed

Kamat, S., Maniaci, V., Lozano Leon, J.M., Linares, M.Y. (2014). Pediatric Psychiatric Emergency Department Visits during Full-Moon. Pediatric Emergency Care, 30(12), 875-878. View in Pubmed

Umbrello, L., Maniaci, V., Garcia Peña, B.M., Lozano, J.M., Friedman, M. (2013). Accuracy of laceration length estimation in a pediatric emergency department and its impact on billing practices. Pediatric Emergency Care, 29(10), 1066-1069. View in Pubmed

Maniaci, V., Garcia Pena, B. M. (2012). Dermatomyositis. Wolters Kluwer Health Adis . Fleisher and Ludwig's 5-minute pediatric emergency medicine consult .

Maniaci, V., Dauber, A., Weiss, S., Nylen, E., Becker, K.L., Bachur, R. (2008). Procalcitonin in young febrile infants for the detection of serious bacterial infections. Pediatrics, 122(4), 701-710. View in Pubmed

Dauber, A., Weiss, S., Maniaci, V., Nylen, E., Becker, K.L., Bachur, R. (2008). Procalcitonin levels in febrile infants after recent immunization. Pediatrics, 122(5), e1119-e1122. View in Pubmed

Litten, J.B., Rodríguez, M.M., Maniaci, V. (2006). Acute lymphoblastic leukemia presenting in fulminant hepatic failure. Pediatric blood cancer, 47(6), 842-845. View in Pubmed

Primary Office

Nicklaus Children's Emergency Medicine
3100 SW 62 Avenue - ER Department
Miami, FL 33155
Phone Number:

Additional Office

NCPS / Jupiter Medical Center - Emergency Dept.
1210 S Old Dixie Highway
Jupiter, FL 33458
Phone Number:


Fellowship - Boston Children's Hospital
Residency - Jackson Memorial Hospital
Medical School - University of Miami

Board Certifications

American Board of Pediatrics (Pediatrics) - Certified
American Board of Pediatrics (Ped Emergency Med) - Certified